FASD & Youth: What Defenders Need to Know
On March 24, 2021, NJDC and the Mid-Atlantic Juvenile Defender Center hosted a webinar titled FASD & Youth: What Defenders Need to Know.
This video includes information about FASD provided by Dr. Larry Burd. Portions of the webinar addressing defense strategies have been edited out of this public version.
Description of the webinar:
Approximately five percent of children likely have a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). FASD is even more prevalent among justice system-involved youth and often goes undiagnosed. Most youth with FASD do not exhibit the distinct facial features many of us may associate with fetal alcohol exposure. FASD refers to a category of diagnoses, the most common of which is Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder.
Pre-natal alcohol exposure can cause impairments related to cognition, learning, communication, socialization, and behavior. These impairments impact a young person’s legal case in a variety of ways and may prevent them from fully participating in legal proceedings. Defenders must know how to effectively advocate for youth with FASD.