Sex Offenses & Registration
In this session of our 2022 Racial Justice Training Series and Book Club, Prof. Kristin Henning and Ebony Howard, Deputy Director of The Gault Center, were joined by Maheen Kaleem, Deputy Director of Grantmakers for Girls of Color, and Brittany Mobley, Deputy Chief of the Juvenile Services Program at DC Public Defender Service. In this…
National Youth Defense System Standards
Outlines steps that states must take to comply with the minimum requirements of the U.S. Constitution to protect the rights of youth facing deprivations of liberty.
Heavy workloads and the culture in many courts can make it difficult for juvenile defenders to stay connected to clients post-disposition. Even after disposition in juvenile court, young people face legal issues that affect — and often threaten — their liberty, their safety, their due process and civil rights, and their access to future opportunities.…