Voting Rights in the Era of Mass Incarceration

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Yearly and Daily Discrimination-Related Stressors and Mexican Youth’s Mental Health and Sleep: Insights From the First Wave of a Three-Wave Family Study

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Carceral Systems and Mental Health Crises—Health Care, Not Handcuffs

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Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Processing of Delinquency Cases, 2005–2022

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Checklist for Reviewing Youth Competence Report

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Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 2021

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A Guide to Applying Youth Voice: Tips to Implement Youth Voice Through a Youth Advisory Council

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The Risks and Consequences of Innocence in School Discipline: Implications for Policy and Research

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Research Overview on Positive Youth Development

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Studies consistently confirm that incarcerating young people causes great harm, including increased victimization, recidivism, school drop-out, and long-term physical and mental health issues. Fortunately, research also identifies what young people need for positive, healthy development. Alternatives to incarceration, such as release schedules, should be crafted to ensure each young person has time for and access…

Collective Caregiving: A Frame for Talking About What Kids and Families Need to Thrive

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“Children Are Different” and Their Lawyers Should Be Too

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The Miller Trilogy, Jones, and the Future of Juvenile Sentencing and Constitutional Interpretation in the Post-Jones America

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The end of “permanently incorrigible”: Putting Jones v. Mississippi into context

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Advancing Racial Justice Through the Restatement of Children and the Law

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Profiles of Risk for Profiles of Risk for Self-injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Among System-Impacted Girls of Color

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What Goes Up but Never Comes Down? Juvenile Punitive Practice Within the United States

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Youth Reoffending: Prevalence and Predictive Risk Factors in Two States

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Centering a Holistic Approach to Expand Education and Employment Pathways for Systems-Involved Young People

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An evaluation report for the LEAP initiative Prepared for the Annie E. Casey Foundation June 2024.

National Youth Defense Townhall Notes

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On August 29, 2024, the Gault Center hosted a National Youth Defense Townhall focused on the role of youth defenders in transforming the juvenile legal system. The Townhall outlined a theory of change rooted in cultivating critical connections to harness our collective power to transform systems of harm and punishment. In attendance were nearly 200…

Five Things About Youth and Delinquency

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The National Institute of Justice issued five key findings from research and data on youth and delinquency. The findings include: 1) risk-taking behaviors are a normal part of adolescent development; 2) risky behaviors increase through adolescence and then decline over time as youth mature; 3) few youth are arrested for any crime, and even fewer…

Youth Justice By The Numbers

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The Sentencing Project released an updated snapshot of youth arrest and incarceration rates, revealing that youth arrest rates have declined 80% from 1996 and youth incarceration declined 75% between 2000 and 2022. Despite these shrinking rates, the juvenile legal system is still marked by significant racial and ethnic disparities. Black youth are 4.7 times more…

Still Cruel and Unusual: Extreme Sentences for Youth and Emerging Adults

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The evidence provided in this brief supports bold reforms for youth and emerging adults sentenced to extreme punishments.

ABA Resolution 517 on Police Questioning of Youth

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The American Bar Association (ABA) passed a resolution urging all governmental authorities to enact laws and policies prohibiting police from utilizing deceptive practices during youth interrogations. Relying on adolescent development research and recognizing the inherent vulnerabilities of youth during police interrogations, the ABA outlines that “it is beyond dispute that interrogations of adolescents by law…

Policing and Punishing Childhood

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The answer, then, is not to simply reform the system of punishment, but to stop surveilling and punishing kids and instead invest in the things that set kids up for success, like education, family support, and access to healthcare. We need to start seeing children as children, not as criminals, and giving them the tools…

Missing the Mark: How Miranda Fails to Consider a Minor’s Mind

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Certain members of society are more vulnerable and require more protection than others; minors are but one example. Society recognizes the unique position of children and adolescents in other areas of law and investigatory procedures. That same recognition should be extended to custodial interrogations of minors charged with acts of juvenile delinquency so that appropriate…