Razing and Rebuilding Delinquency Courts: Demolishing the Flawed Philosophical Foundation of Parens Patriae

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The Black existence, in the United States of America, has always been regarded as a conditional right. Conventionally, Blackness must always be nonviolent and non-disruptive to safely exist. Because of this, Blackness cannot be confined to restraints and disrupts these conventions with acts of joy and creative expression. Black creativity is both unconventional and sacred.…

The Anti-Racist Imperative of Infancy

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This article calls for the categorical exclusion of young children from juvenile court jurisdiction as a pathway toward the abolition of the juvenile legal system in its current form. This article highlights the landscape of age-based jurisdictional boundaries across the country: 24 states have no minimum age of arrest and prosecution, while 18 states have…

Locked Away for Life: The Case Against Juvenile Life Without Parole for Felony Murder

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This article makes the argument against the imposition of life without parole for young people who commit felony murder using an adolescent development framework. The author analyzes existing case law to outline that, just as the U.S. Supreme Court found the death penalty inappropriate for felony murder and relied on adolescent brain development research in…

Abolish Gang Statutes with the Power of the Thirteenth Amendment: Reparations for the People

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This article calls for the use of the Thirteenth Amendment to abolish federal and state gang statutes. Highlighting the lineage of modern-day gang statutes from Black Codes to vagrancy laws from the Jim Crow era to gang injunctions, this article establishes how current gang statutes remain as “badges and incidents” of slavery. This article walks…

Data, The New Cotton

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Black Lives Monitored

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Race, Surveillance, Resistance

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Virtual Shackles: Electronic Surveillance and the Adultification of Juvenile Courts

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Deception in Place of Equal and Impartial Administration of Justice: The Use of Deception When Interrogating Juveniles

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Why (Jury-Less) Juvenile Courts Are Unconstitutional

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Brain Science and the Theory of Juvenile Mens Rea

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Kids Will be Kids: Time for a “Reasonable Child” Standard for the Proof of Objective Mens Rea Elements

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A More Grown-Up Response to Ordinary Adolescent Behaviors: Repealing PINS Laws to Protect and Empower D.C. Youth

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Unshackled: Stories of Redemption Among Serious Youth Offenders

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No Child Left Confined: Challenging the Digital Convict Lease

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This article is a transcript of a lecture given by Professor Chaz P. Arnett at a Symposium hosted by the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law’s Journal of Health Care Law & Policy. Professor Arnett discusses juvenile courts’ increased reliance on electronic monitoring, which he classifies as “e-carceration,” or the “the digital…

Toward Mercy: Excessive Sentencing and the Untapped Power of North Carolina’s Constitution

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A Post-Dobbs Future: Bailing Water Downstream to Center Democracy’s Children

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