Issued by the Maryland State Department of Education, these documents provide, in English and Spanish, guidance regarding student rights, school registration, requests from immigration authorities or law enforcements at schools, training for school personnel, and resources for families.
The Real Cost of “Bad News”: How Misinformation is Undermining Youth Justice Policy In Baltimore
From the introduction: “For decades media scholars have noted that local news coverage is often sensationalized and framed in ways that heighten public fears of youthful offending. And this tendency has continued since the outset of the pandemic. This coverage has likely contributed to a shift in public opinion toward tough-sounding policies that conflict with…
This report details the results of the first-ever state-wide Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) survey administered to people currently incarcerated for crimes they committed as children (under eighteen). The trauma measured from ACEs surveys include physical, sexual, and emotional abuse; physical and emotional neglect; separation from parents; mental illness or substance abuse in the home; parent…
Advocates in Maryland created a series of short policy briefs to educate community members about pressing issues. You can see the others in this series here under “Sample Legislative Advocacy Briefs” on the Policy Page of the Racial Justice Toolkit.
Advocates in Maryland created a series of short policy briefs to educate community members about pressing issues. You can see the others in this series here under “Sample Legislative Advocacy Briefs” on the Policy Page of the Racial Justice Toolkit.
This pleading discusses flight.
Advocates in Maryland created a series of short policy briefs to educate community members about pressing issues. You can see the others in this series here under “Sample Legislative Advocacy Briefs” on the Policy Page of the Racial Justice Toolkit.
Advocates in Maryland created a series of short policy briefs to educate community members about pressing issues. You can see the others in this series here under “Sample Legislative Advocacy Briefs” on the Policy Page of the Racial Justice Toolkit.
Advocates in Maryland created a series of short policy briefs to educate community members about pressing issues. You can see the others in this series here under “Sample Legislative Advocacy Briefs” on the Policy Page of the Racial Justice Toolkit.
Advocates in Maryland created a series of short policy briefs to educate community members about pressing issues. You can see the others in this series here under “Sample Legislative Advocacy Briefs” on the Policy Page of the Racial Justice Toolkit.