Razing and Rebuilding Delinquency Courts: Demolishing the Flawed Philosophical Foundation of Parens Patriae

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The Intersection of Adolescent Brain Development and Anti-Black Racism

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The focus of this paper is on the experience of Black adolescents who are growing up amidst evolving national beliefs about racism, ongoing political debate surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement, and a growing national awareness about the experience of being Black in America.

A National Institutes of Health Approach for Advancing Research to Improve Youth Mental Health and Reduce Disparities

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The work described herein articulates a way forward for the NIH to continue to improve youth mental health and to reduce YMHD through supporting rigorous, impactful research. However, the urgency of the youth mental health crisis and YMHD is so pressing that many NIH ICOs have already begun this important work, particularly through supporting research.…

The Anti-Racist Imperative of Infancy

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This article calls for the categorical exclusion of young children from juvenile court jurisdiction as a pathway toward the abolition of the juvenile legal system in its current form. This article highlights the landscape of age-based jurisdictional boundaries across the country: 24 states have no minimum age of arrest and prosecution, while 18 states have…

Abolish Gang Statutes with the Power of the Thirteenth Amendment: Reparations for the People

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This article calls for the use of the Thirteenth Amendment to abolish federal and state gang statutes. Highlighting the lineage of modern-day gang statutes from Black Codes to vagrancy laws from the Jim Crow era to gang injunctions, this article establishes how current gang statutes remain as “badges and incidents” of slavery. This article walks…

Misdemeanor Enforcement Trends in New York City, 2016–2022: Diminished Caseloads and Persistent Racial Disparities

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Listening to Black Women and Girls: Lived Experience of Adultification Bias

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Strengthening Indigenous Communities to Eliminate Disparities in the Criminal Justice System Infographic 2024

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This infographic details statistics on the overrepresentation of Native and Indigenous communities in the criminal legal system, noting in particular that the incarceration rate of American Indian/Alaska Native communities increased 60 percent from 1990 to 2020. It cautions that current data collection practices on Native and Indigenous communities are often incomplete and inaccurate due to…

Girlhood Interrupted: The Erasure of Black Girls’ Childhood

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Overturning Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey: An Assault to Reproductive and Racial Justice and the Mental Health of Youth

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Data, The New Cotton

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Black Lives Monitored

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Race, Surveillance, Resistance

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Virtual Shackles: Electronic Surveillance and the Adultification of Juvenile Courts

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Barriers to Wellness: Voices and Views from Young People in Five Cities

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Taking the Next Step in Miranda Evaluations: Considering Racial Trauma and the Impact of Prior Police Contact

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Examining the Consequences of Dehumanization and Adultification in Justification of Police Use of Force Against Black Girls and Boys

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Does “Jamal” Receive a Harsher Sentence Than “James”? First-Name Bias in the Criminal Sentencing of Black Men

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Community Crime, Poverty, and Proportion of Black Residents Influence Police Descriptions of Adolescents

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Overmedication and Misdiagnoses Guide

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Disproportionate School Brutality upon Black Children


A Post-Dobbs Future: Bailing Water Downstream to Center Democracy’s Children

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What We Need to Thrive: A Youth-Led Vision for a Just Alameda County 

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The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and Ceres Policy Research Center partnered with youth leaders in Alameda County, California, to assess the current landscape of the juvenile legal system and outline a youth-centered vision for the future. Utilizing a youth participatory action research protocol, this report relied on youth leaders to design and implement…

One in Five: How Mass Incarceration Deepens Inequality and Harms Public Safety

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